Thursday, 3 May 2007

A hair raising experience!!

Seriously...people pay money for hair like this...!
Yummy yummy rice cereal...
Another day...another hat (sigh)
Hey Friends...

It's Thursday morning here and I'm just about to settle into my morning nap but thought I'd send a quick note. I'm working hard at keeping up with all the new things my parents keep throwing at me. I've started eating rice cereal which I really love but I haven't quite figured out how to eat it without getting into quite a mess (see picture for more details). My Mom is constantly trying to comb my hair in the morning but in my opinion she is fighting a losing battle (again...see picture and let me know what you think of my style). You might think this is enough but OH NO...they are trying to get me to sleep in my CRIB for my naps (yeah right) and through the night (WHATEVER!). And add insult to injury Mom has started taking me over to the nursery at the gym where she wants to exercise...we had our trial yesterday and 20 minutes into it I changed my mind and asked them to call my Mom back over the gym intercom..."Jane Johnston's Mom please return to the creche"!! HEE HEE. Apparently we are trying it again today...I'll try a bit harder (maybe).

That's about all...hope you like the latest photos...Mom tells me I might as well get use to wearing hats...I think she's trying to squish my hair down!

Be nice to everyone today...xoxoxo Jane Lillian