Wednesday, 30 May 2007

My THREE course meals!

For a starter, I enjoy a little carrot...
Chug chug, for course number 2 I choose milk...
And for dessert a little toe jam...yummy!
Don't I look swell in my new chair!
Never mind this "rolling over" business, how 'bout I just walk?
It's Jane here. I've become a very adventurous girl. I eat carrots, apples, and sweet pear. I think that apple is my favorite so far but Mom tells me there is more to come so I'll let you know in a little while so you can stock your cupboards for my next visit. I've also taken up dancing...I like to be twirled around and held way up high. My favorite song is by a boy named Michael's called Everything and it's really great...a good old crooner really makes me want to dance...Mom thinks I might be a hopeless romantic. Mom and I have a routine to it that helps me stay awake in the evenings during my rice cereal appetizer. We also go to Arches to swim and this morning my Mom lined up at 7 a.m. to get me enrolled in Aquatots 1. It's late here so I have to go to my crib for the night. I'll try to stay asleep all night but I really quite enjoy my 2:00 a.m. know what they're only young once. Life's too short to take things too least that's what I try to convey to my Mom and Dad when they come to the side of my crib and I greet them with a big cheek to cheek grin!
We'll be making some important decisions soon in our family so I'll let you know once my parents have it all figured out.
Hugs and kisses...Jane

Sunday, 20 May 2007

A Day of Discovery!

These are interesting...
I wonder if I can eat them?
I love being at the park with Auntie Tana! My very first visit to a toy store...WOW...I like these wiggly gigglers! over...I'm exhausted!!

Hello Everyone,

I'm a very busy little girl right now 'cuz my Auntie Tana is here visiting and there are so many places we want to go together. Today we went all the way to Central London, went to Camden Market and walked through parks. The highlight for me was a trip to a store called Hamley's. It is the biggest toy store in London and WOW I was so amazed by the toys. There were these bright toys called Wiggly Gigglers and when Dad clapped his hands they made noise and moved around! I thought it was pretty funny. Afterwards we went out to another park and just when I finally closed my eyes for the first time...along came a MARCHING BAND!! If you look closely in the background of the last picture you might be able to see it. Mom and Dad couldn't believe their woke me up...I think they like it best when I'm awake!

Okay...I really have to rest now...tomorrow we are going swimming! Love to you all...Jane

Wednesday, 16 May 2007

I'm a happy girl!


Just another rainy day in London. Thought you might like to see a few recent photos. Mom and I are spending lots of time indoors - hanging out with my favorite toys and videos!

I'm enjoying two meals of rice cereal a day...I think I'm getting the hang of it!!

Hugs and kisses, Jane

Tuesday, 8 May 2007

My Big Adventure in London

Me and Mom in Hyde Park This is where the "other" Queen lives!
These trains are busy and loud!
Steep steep escalators...glad I'm buckled in!
Daddy says they go "quack"

Hello Everyone!

Just wanted to share a few photos from our weekend adventure in Central London. We had to take a train and a tube to get to the Palace and to Hyde Park. I kept my eyes wide open the whole time I was on the train and got a little startled each time the doors opened! I'm also not so sure about the was all a bit much for me to take in. I was tired at the end of the day and glad to get back to Greenwich.

Hope you like the new to you soon...xoxo Jane

Thursday, 3 May 2007

A hair raising experience!!

Seriously...people pay money for hair like this...!
Yummy yummy rice cereal...
Another day...another hat (sigh)
Hey Friends...

It's Thursday morning here and I'm just about to settle into my morning nap but thought I'd send a quick note. I'm working hard at keeping up with all the new things my parents keep throwing at me. I've started eating rice cereal which I really love but I haven't quite figured out how to eat it without getting into quite a mess (see picture for more details). My Mom is constantly trying to comb my hair in the morning but in my opinion she is fighting a losing battle (again...see picture and let me know what you think of my style). You might think this is enough but OH NO...they are trying to get me to sleep in my CRIB for my naps (yeah right) and through the night (WHATEVER!). And add insult to injury Mom has started taking me over to the nursery at the gym where she wants to exercise...we had our trial yesterday and 20 minutes into it I changed my mind and asked them to call my Mom back over the gym intercom..."Jane Johnston's Mom please return to the creche"!! HEE HEE. Apparently we are trying it again today...I'll try a bit harder (maybe).

That's about all...hope you like the latest photos...Mom tells me I might as well get use to wearing hats...I think she's trying to squish my hair down!

Be nice to everyone today...xoxoxo Jane Lillian