Did someone say DAYCARE?
From board books to journal articles...who says I can't help Mom study?
I've highlighted all the most important parts!
Okay - I have to be very quick because I am eating breakfast, getting dressed for daycare (more on that later) and doing this blog at the same time...a new age girl has to multitask. We've had a lot of changes since I posted those Christmas pictures...ahh the innocence...the blissful naievete of not knowing that the New Year would bring...wait for it...DAYCARE! Yes, I go to daycare 3 days a week so that my Mom can study without any distraction. The good news is that the daycare is just around the corner from our house so I'm convinced that, should it be warranted, I could scream loud enough that my Mom might hear me. All is all it's an okay place to go - there are different toys and friends to play with. I'm still a little timid and shy at times so I wear my shoes with Lions on them everyday and Mom tells me to look at my toes and know that I have more inner courage and bravery than I know. So...I glance at my toes often to garner up my inner strength to deal with the chaos of NINE 0ther babies around me at the same time. Okay - time flies when you are doing 5 things at once...I have to run out the door and greet the daycare world!