Monday, 20 October 2008

Little Girl Lesson #1: Choose style over comfort!

Ooohhh, I like these pointy black fancy shoes.
Yay, Grandma helped me give up my bottle and now I drink out of this each morning!
Do you have a reservation?
Taking care of Tabby and Puppy.
The big finish!

Hey There!

Do you like my fancy high heels? I dig them out of the closet and wear them every chance I get. I love the high heels sooo much that I click around in them all day. Mom says that I'm like her because if I were to choose between comfy walking shoes and shiny high heels...well, let's just say that you'd hear my clicking away rather than running! Oh, speaking of running, check out the picture of my Dad crossing the finish line at the Victoria full marathon...he ran for 3 hours and 59 minutes. That's the equivalent of 8 episodes of the Backyardigans! We are really proud of him for doing it and someday I'm going to do a school project about setting goals and I'll be able to use this as an example. That is, if I remember it.
Daycare is going well. Mom picks me up at 2:00 p.m. each day so we have a fun afternoon together. I'm taking a music class, swimming class and yoga playground. It's fun to be with other kids but I mostly like to just help out the teachers. Whenever they read books out loud I cuddle right up on their laps at the front of the room and help read the story to everyone! I also help the daycare ladies put the kids to sleep by patting their backs. I'm a good little Mommy...or at least that's what I'm told.
Okay - it's late and my Dad will get grumpy if Mom and I don't stop working. Have a good day...and IS important no matter what the sacrifice. Besides, bandaids were invented for girls like me who like a little pizazz!
Thanks for checking on me...have a wonderful day! xoxo Jane

Thursday, 2 October 2008

Hello...remember me?

I've started to accessorize....
Cousins are sooooo wonderful.
Chase, Sadie and Jane in LA
I want to surf too!
Mom let's me feed myself now!


I have to start by thanking anyone who is actually reading this right now because I haven't been posting very much lately. We slipped into a nice relaxing summer and spent a few weeks in Manitoba with our families. We also flew to L.A. to visit Auntie Cathy, Uncle Darren and Sadie and Chase. It was a great summer and I loved every minute of it. I have tons of words (we think it's Sadie)...okay...and my favorite NO!
I'm back at daycare. The walk in the morning is soooo exciting. We start by stepping outside and saying either "cold" or "hot" and then we wave to the neighbors doggy "Tallie"...if we are lucky enough and have our timing down properly we get to see a school bus pick up kids and the bus driver even waves at the end of the street there is a tree with red berries and I get excited just seeing it...and yesterday we heard a car horn honk as well as a helicopter. By the time I arrive at daycare (it's one block away) we have seen so many interesting things. Mom tells me that if you take the time to notice the small things you will learn how to practice the art of gratitude (whatever).
Okay, now it's time for bed. I have to rest up for the 3 minute walk in the morning!
Hugs! Jane

Thursday, 19 June 2008


Mom says I'm her "wonderful" even when I smush berries all over my cheeks!
I clean up purdy well don't you think?
Okay thanks for a great weekend Mom and Dad. I'll have the car back by midnight.


I am growing and changing every single day. I have tons of new "uh oh" and "bubbles" and "roar" and many many others that my parents just haven't quite figured out yet. I've just recovered from a really bad flu that got Mom really worried because I just wasn't myself. We had to call Auntie Tana one afternoon to take us to the Dr and just to show her I was really sick I puked all over her and Mom in the parking lot once we arrived. The hardest part of being sick was that I didn't want to play...the best part was that Mom and I hung out 24/7 for a week...yup...she called me "velcro" and just between you and me I think she probably liked it. We watched lots of episodes of Sex and the City, Backyardigans, and The Wiggles. I'm back at daycare now and things are going well.

I'm making lots of plan for the summer. So far I plan to eat sand, splash in the lake, eat a roasted marshmallow, play on sandbars and go on a boat with Daddy. Daddy claims he is going to buy a convertible for the summer so we can cruise for ice cream...we are taking donations.

Time to sleep...I wish you all a day full of puppets and stories...xo Jane

Thursday, 8 May 2008

Living The Good Life

This is me with all my cousins and SHREK at Universal Studios!

WOW...Dora really is real!
I know I look pretty in this fancy bedtime dress!
Hi Friends,

I know it's been a very long time since my Mom and I have "blogged" - but you see we've been very busy. First of all you need to know that I can now walk, run, and climb and I usually try to do all three at the same time. I also went to LA and saw all my cousins at once...not to mention Dora and Shrek (see above for proof). Daycare is going okay and I'm now the biggest one in the "baby room" so I kind of run the show. I have two new favorite toys - my Mom's fancy button purse and my pretend cell phone. I walk around the house with both all the time and Mom keeps laughing...I'm not sure what's so funny 'bout a girl who knows how to accessorize!
Well I have to go to bed you like my new nightie (see above) my friend Tressa sent it to me in the mail! Okay time for sleep. We are busy getting our yard ready for summer. We'll post more pictures when it's all set up!
Hugs and kisses...Jane

Wednesday, 30 January 2008

It takes the heart of a LION!

Jivin' out to the tunes with my funky new hair!
Did someone say DAYCARE?
From board books to journal articles...who says I can't help Mom study?
I've highlighted all the most important parts!

Okay - I have to be very quick because I am eating breakfast, getting dressed for daycare (more on that later) and doing this blog at the same time...a new age girl has to multitask. We've had a lot of changes since I posted those Christmas pictures...ahh the innocence...the blissful naievete of not knowing that the New Year would bring...wait for it...DAYCARE! Yes, I go to daycare 3 days a week so that my Mom can study without any distraction. The good news is that the daycare is just around the corner from our house so I'm convinced that, should it be warranted, I could scream loud enough that my Mom might hear me. All is all it's an okay place to go - there are different toys and friends to play with. I'm still a little timid and shy at times so I wear my shoes with Lions on them everyday and Mom tells me to look at my toes and know that I have more inner courage and bravery than I know. So...I glance at my toes often to garner up my inner strength to deal with the chaos of NINE 0ther babies around me at the same time. Okay - time flies when you are doing 5 things at once...I have to run out the door and greet the daycare world!


Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

It's 2008 and I'm a year old...what a way to start off a new year! Sorry that it has taken so long to post the Christmas photos. I've been a little pre-occupied with all the new books I have to read. I still LOVE my books and sit and read them out loud to myself all the time. Mom is also reading a lot these days as she is studying again. Dad's back at work and enjoying it. Oh yeah, and now we have a funny machine that Mom and Dad run on in the basement. They look pretty funny...running and not getting anywhere...why would anyone want to do that?

I had a great Christmas with my family. My Granparents came out and we had lots of fun. They even gave me a Gingerbread cookie covered in sparkles on the day I sat on Santa's knee. I tried to tell them not to even tell my parents but they were silly enough to take pictures. I'm thinking life will get easier when I can actually talk and we can work these things out prior to returning home and confessing.
Here are my New Year's Resolutions:
1. language development
2. master art of deception (refer to #1)
3. read books
4. develop style with goal of being the day care fashionista

Here are some photos from my Christmas. Hope you enjoy them. I have to go and get dressed now cause Mom says that "it's not a good start when you are still in your jammies at 9 a.m."

enjoy your day...jane