Sunday, 16 December 2007


How's this Auntie Jane???
My favorite Baby Einstein Caterpillar!!!
You mean I get to keep all of these new toys?
A girl can never have too many shoes.


I'm one and now I'm allowed to eat cake. I think you'll like the photos from my birthday party. I had friends over and opened all kinds of presents. This is a great warm up to Christmas!! Thanks to everyone for all the great stuff!!!

Talk to you soon...lots of new things to play with!


Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Went to bed 0 and woke up 1 !!

things are lookin' good around here this unwrapping thing is a lot of work
i'm outta here...they don't pay me enough for this job
ok so maybe it was worth it!


It's such an exciting month. Today I turned 1 and what a celebration. I was allowed to open one of my gifts while Dad was still at home this morning. AND there is some talk about maybe letting me eat a cupcake tonight at dinner...I'm not holding my breath but just maybe I'll be able to...just maybe. We've been busy this week - Mom took me to two important meetings and I sung in my loudest voice through the first one which kind of stressed Mom out so I decided to really tone it down yesterday. We went to the airport last night to meet Gran and Grandad and I was out WAY after dark. It's sure an exciting time and I wish every single day was my birthday. We are baking my birthday cake today and hopefully will decorate it on Saturday in time for my real birthday party. Mom has a "back up" cake in the freezer in case this one doesn't work out because we are trying something new.

Okay - time for a quick nap. Here are some photos of me as a one year old.

Tuesday, 4 December 2007

A little pizazz never hurt anyone...

Lookin' good and crawling makes a girl awfully...


What do you think of my new style? I really love to wear this bright red headband in my hair and crawl all the way to the front entrance of the house just to gaze at myself in the mirror. I think it looks great and life is too short to go leaving your best velvet headband in the drawer where nobody gets to admire it. This should help with all those people thinking I'm such a "cute little guy" when mom and I are out shopping.

We are all pretty busy. I read out loud a lot...and I mean out LOUD. My favorite word is "duga" and I could just say it over and over again. It's so much fun to say. Tonight we are getting all packed up to go to Vancouver. Mom has "important" meetings so I guess I'll hang out with Dad at the hotel and at the university. Maybe I'll try to take some pictures while I'm there to post on the blog because I know it's been a wee bit slow lately.

Well...I better go and pack: 1. Hot pink turtle neck, 2. Polka Dot Bikini (for the pool with Dad) and 3. Red velvet headband....and the rest I'll let Mom worry about.

Duga duga,
