Friday, 24 August 2007

BUT...I've spent my WHOLE life here!

C'mon you think maybe I could have both?
Mommy is covering up all my embarassing bits!
The first of many cuddly nights with "bear"

Although it may be hard to believe...the time has come for us to move back to Canada. I'm really not sure what to think of this as Greenwich is all I really know. Mom and Dad are very busy putting everything into big piles and bags...and Mom's friends are stopping by all the time and giving us both big hugs. I've had to say goodbye to all my friends but Mom assures me that the world is full of good people and that with an open heart (and a good haircut) I can make new friends wherever I go. The friends here are special because we all came into this world around the same time and our Mom's have spent lots of time together. Life is full of change and we take with us the most important things...Mom, Dad, Jane...memories...and toys.

We are spending the weekend packing and will go to Central London on Saturday which means...trains...tubes...escalators...lifts....naps. Not sure what life will be like in Canada but I'm quite sure I will like it.
Greenwich has been very nice, it's called the "place where time begins" but I think now it might be forever known as "the place where Jane begins."

With hugs, kisses and a few goodbye tears...Jane

Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Endings and Beginnings

Hello (snarfle sniff),
You will have to excuse me...I'm a bit stufffed up due to a head cold. It's quite hectic here right now as Mom and Dad are making all the final plans for our move back to Canada. We leave here on August 27th just in time for Auntie Tana's wedding. We have lots of people to see before we leave...Mylo, Anna, Julian, Teagan and William are all coming over today after my nap. We are very excited to move back closer to our friends and family but also a bit sad that we have to say goodbye to all the people we have met here in Greenwich. On Sunday we went to Greenwich Park and had family photos taken it was really fun. I'm going to miss that park. Oh and also, Dad is taking a few days off this week so we can spend time in Central London as a family and I think (I hope) he will buy me a Hamley's Bear for my new bedroom in Calgary.

Fingers crossed, Jane