Wednesday, 8 April 2009

A Happy Girl!

Swimming at the Sutton Place in Vancouver

A Birthday Cake for DAD!
My very best picture smile...and my new best friend "ribbit"

Monday, 20 October 2008

Little Girl Lesson #1: Choose style over comfort!

Ooohhh, I like these pointy black fancy shoes.
Yay, Grandma helped me give up my bottle and now I drink out of this each morning!
Do you have a reservation?
Taking care of Tabby and Puppy.
The big finish!

Hey There!

Do you like my fancy high heels? I dig them out of the closet and wear them every chance I get. I love the high heels sooo much that I click around in them all day. Mom says that I'm like her because if I were to choose between comfy walking shoes and shiny high heels...well, let's just say that you'd hear my clicking away rather than running! Oh, speaking of running, check out the picture of my Dad crossing the finish line at the Victoria full marathon...he ran for 3 hours and 59 minutes. That's the equivalent of 8 episodes of the Backyardigans! We are really proud of him for doing it and someday I'm going to do a school project about setting goals and I'll be able to use this as an example. That is, if I remember it.
Daycare is going well. Mom picks me up at 2:00 p.m. each day so we have a fun afternoon together. I'm taking a music class, swimming class and yoga playground. It's fun to be with other kids but I mostly like to just help out the teachers. Whenever they read books out loud I cuddle right up on their laps at the front of the room and help read the story to everyone! I also help the daycare ladies put the kids to sleep by patting their backs. I'm a good little Mommy...or at least that's what I'm told.
Okay - it's late and my Dad will get grumpy if Mom and I don't stop working. Have a good day...and IS important no matter what the sacrifice. Besides, bandaids were invented for girls like me who like a little pizazz!
Thanks for checking on me...have a wonderful day! xoxo Jane

Thursday, 2 October 2008

Hello...remember me?

I've started to accessorize....
Cousins are sooooo wonderful.
Chase, Sadie and Jane in LA
I want to surf too!
Mom let's me feed myself now!


I have to start by thanking anyone who is actually reading this right now because I haven't been posting very much lately. We slipped into a nice relaxing summer and spent a few weeks in Manitoba with our families. We also flew to L.A. to visit Auntie Cathy, Uncle Darren and Sadie and Chase. It was a great summer and I loved every minute of it. I have tons of words (we think it's Sadie)...okay...and my favorite NO!
I'm back at daycare. The walk in the morning is soooo exciting. We start by stepping outside and saying either "cold" or "hot" and then we wave to the neighbors doggy "Tallie"...if we are lucky enough and have our timing down properly we get to see a school bus pick up kids and the bus driver even waves at the end of the street there is a tree with red berries and I get excited just seeing it...and yesterday we heard a car horn honk as well as a helicopter. By the time I arrive at daycare (it's one block away) we have seen so many interesting things. Mom tells me that if you take the time to notice the small things you will learn how to practice the art of gratitude (whatever).
Okay, now it's time for bed. I have to rest up for the 3 minute walk in the morning!
Hugs! Jane